Digital Specialist & SEO Consultant at your service.

Dedicated to help you grow your online business. Experience in working with digital marketing since 2013 with webanalytics, SEO, Content & UX in a wide range of markets - igaming, e-commerce, B2B, B2C, regulated markets and a bit more.

+46739 65 12 00
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Consultant - magnus strandberg

What does an SEO & Web Analyst Consultant do?

Well, a lot of things!

A consultant in the 20´s is not only engaged in optimizing your onpage content or taking care of your backlinks and offpage tasks. A professional digital consultant performs a lot of other things, for example:

  • User information analysis including demographics, behavior & engagement
  • Keyword research to identify interest
  • Content gaps to understand business opportunities
  • Competitor analysis helps you understand market behaviors
  • Benchmarking
  • Technical analysis to get the most out of your platform
  • Ecommerce analysis
  • Backlink profiles
  • Content planning
  • Writing content briefs (so your content writers know what and how to write their articles)

and a lot more...

I started out back in 2013 by crerating copy and optimised content with one single purpose – to rank high on high-converting searches. In time I focused a bit on backlink profiles and partnerships as well and the last 4-5 years I have ”closed the circle” as SEO consultant, by learning to understand how technical optimisation & web analytics can be the game-changer for any website.

Today, SEO is a mix of all these three main areas – content, partnerships and technical SEO. And I think that is great. In order to achieve really good results you need to have copy and content that help the reader in some way. And how you should do that depends on the purpose and what outcome you are looking for.

Partnerships is more or less about creating renumeration and authority, this can be done through different approaches and as for the content, it depends on your needs.

When it comes to technical SEO, this is about the platform your site relies on. Covered in the ”tech-seo” are for example; pagespeed, usability, technical best practises and more.

Learn more about my insights and approach in my blog on seo and digital marketing.

My three pillars as your seo consultant.

These are my cornerstones in digital marketing, and what I can help you with

SEO - Ideas and Concepts

I provide customised digital marketing and SEO solutions for businesses that want to grow online and broaden their organic visibility on the internet. The goals differ, and can be more conversions, higher engagement rate, increase rankings, better UX or something else that is important for your business.

Ecommerce SEO

Learn a bit of what is called ecomercce marketing and how it can help you grow your online sales. This concept in SEO is aiming, as you most likely understand, for attracting the right audience for your e.commerce site. Meaning, driving the right traffic through both organic and paid marketing.

Web Analytics

Simply put, web analytics is the collection & analysis of your websites data. This is done by identifying your business goals and your visitors goals in order to determine the success of your efforts. As you understand, UX & content play a big role in order to achieve these goals. Complex - yes, but effective..

Yes, as an search engine consultant you should also have broad knowledge in paid search, analytics and Google Ads. Why? Simply because the benefits of combining these are really effective.
Top it with a bit of UX approached content.

My manifest. My promise.

It is my strong belief that honesty and business can work side-by-side. I think that being honest and true to your clients, it will bring more value rather than getting something to put in your invoice.

Digital marketing and SEO is all about creating value. That value has a lot of different faces and needs.

That is why experience is really important for the long term results, goals and visions.

I think I have that experience.

But being honest is sometimes also hard. It is important for me to work with the right clients, companies and challenges. This means that I sometimes turn down business proposals. For me it is important that I believe in the project and see the potential in it.

That is honesty and business side-by-side. That is my approach. That is my manifest.

This is my promise.


Interesting reads from my blog on seo.

Link to an article on seo for ecommerce websites

Guide to SEO for ecommerce website

How can you benefit a lot from focusing on seo for your ecom website?

Link to an article about seed keywords

What are seed keywords in SEO and content?

Learn about what seed keywords are and how to use them wisely.

Link to an article on seo for ecommerce websites

7 Ecommerce trends
for 2023

What can we expect in ecommerce trends for 2023?

Interested to find out how I can help you grow?

Lets have a non-bindary first connection and discuss your current situation and your wanna-be-at situation.

Contact me
Searh Engine Optimization consultant magnus strandberg

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Ghandi.